We are updating our IP address on Thursday, 26 September 2024.

The new IP addresses are:

ABN Lookup
Superfund Lookup

Update your whitelist to include these new IP addresses. We recommend using our full web addresses https://abr.business.gov.au and/or https://superfundlookup.gov.au when accessing our services. Accessing by other names or by IP address will be blocked and disabled in the near future.

Super Fund Lookup web servicesVersion: 7.4.12

Why should I use the Super Fund Lookup web services?

The Super Fund Lookup web services allow you to incorporate information about superannuation entities into your own applications using the ABN.

How do I register for access to the Super Fund Lookup web services?

You can register online for access to the Super Fund Lookup web services. Once we have processed your registration, we will send you an email containing a Globally Unique IDentifier (GUID) which allows access to the Super Fund Lookup web services.

What is a GUID? Do I need one?

GUID stands for Globally Unique Identifier. When you register for access to the Super Fund Lookup web services you will be assigned a GUID. A valid GUID is required to access the Super Fund Lookup web services.

Is there any sample code available for accessing the web services?

From our Sample code page you can download and trial a number of working applications that interface with the Super Fund Lookup web services.

To run the sample applications you will need to be a registered user of the Super Fund Lookup web services.

What information about a super fund is available through the Super Fund Lookup web services?

Like the Super Fund Lookup web site, the web services provide access to only the publicly available information about super funds that have an Australian Business Number (ABN).
