We are updating our IP address on Thursday, 26 September 2024.

The new IP addresses are:

ABN Lookup
Superfund Lookup

Update your whitelist to include these new IP addresses. We recommend using our full web addresses https://abr.business.gov.au and/or https://superfundlookup.gov.au when accessing our services. Accessing by other names or by IP address will be blocked and disabled in the near future.

GlossaryVersion: 7.4.12


Australian Business Number - a unique identifying number issued to all entities registered in the Australian Business Register (ABR).


Australian Prudential Regulation Authority - APRA is responsible for regulating certain types of super funds.

Complying SMSF

A complying SMSF:

  • is regulated by the ATO
  • has been issued with a Notice of compliance.

Complying SMSFs that meet the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 External site standards qualify for a concessional tax rate of 15%.

Concessional tax rate

Funds which comply with the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 External site qualify for concessional tax rates. A complying super fund is taxed at 15%.

Non-complying super funds do not receive concessional tax rates. A non-complying super fund is taxed at 45%.


A contribution is the money or asset directly contributed by an individual, an employer or another party into a super fund.

Directed termination payment

A directed termination payment is a transitional employment termination payment that you direct the payer to make to a complying super plan or to purchase a super annuity.

Only employment termination payments meeting transitional arrangements are considered to be a directed termination payment. The transitional rules may apply to employment termination payments made between 1 July 2007 and 30 June 2012 if you were entitled, as at 9 May 2006, to such a payment specified under:

Contribution restrictions

In the 'Fund product details' table for APRA regulated funds, if the value in the contributions restrictions column is 'Y' then employers are asked to contact the fund directly before making a contribution as the fund may only be able to receive contributions from specific employers or members.

Employment termination payment

An employment termination payment (previously known as an eligible termination payment) is a lump sum payment made due to your employment being terminated. It can include:

  • payments for unused rostered days off
  • payments in lieu of notice
  • a gratuity or 'golden handshake'
  • an employee's invalidity payment (for permanent disability other than compensation for personal injury)
  • payments after the death of an employee.

Employment termination payments do not include:

  • payments for unused annual leave or unused long service leave
  • the tax-free part of a genuine redundancy payment or an early retirement scheme payment.

Non-complying SMSF

A non-complying SMSF:

Non-complying SMSFs do not qualify for concessional tax rates. The rate of tax for a non-complying SMSF is 45%.

Notice of compliance

The ATO will issue a Notice of compliance if it makes a determination that a fund complies with the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 External site.

Notice of non-compliance

The ATO will issue a Notice of non-compliance if it makes a determination that the fund has not complied with the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 External site. Non-complying funds do not qualify for concessional tax rates.


This is the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 External site

Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI)

The USI is a unique identifier used to identify a superannuation product within an APRA regulated fund. The USI may be the APRA regulated fund’s Australian business number (ABN) with 3 additional digits or the APRA regulated fund’s current superannuation product identification number (SPIN).

SMSFs do not have a USI – the ABN acts as the fund identifier.
