We are updating our IP address on Thursday, 26 September 2024.

The new IP addresses are:

ABN Lookup
Superfund Lookup

Update your whitelist to include these new IP addresses. We recommend using our full web addresses https://abr.business.gov.au and/or https://superfundlookup.gov.au when accessing our services. Accessing by other names or by IP address will be blocked and disabled in the near future.

The Trustee for SYNERGY SUPERVersion: 7.4.12

ABN details
ABN: 76 244 630 739 View record on ABN Lookup External site
ABN Status: Active from 27 Mar 2024
Fund type: Non-Regulated Superannuation Fund
Contact details:
Not available
Status: Non-regulated

What does 'Non-regulated' mean?

This fund has not elected to be a regulated fund. A non-regulated fund does not qualify for concessional taxation treatment. You cannot:

  • direct transitional termination payments to a non-regulated fund
  • rollover or transfer a benefit from a regulated to a non-regulated fund.

Employers cannot make superannuation guarantee contributions to a non-regulated fund.

Contributions made to a non-regulated fund are not tax deductible and are taxed at the top marginal rate when received by the fund.

Also refer to frequently asked questions.


This extract is based on information supplied by superannuation entities to the Commissioner of Taxation.

Important Neither the Australian Government nor the ATO endorse or guarantee the performance of super funds.

Warning Statement

Anyone who tells you to set up a SMSF is giving you financial advice. This means the person or company must have an Australian financial services (AFS) licence. Check ASIC Connect Professional Registers.
